Choosing an intern

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When they come about for the right reasons, an internship can be a wonderful two-way journey. Sure, the major benefit lies with the an intern, who enjoys a hands-on insight into a career they have in mind, but their ideas and enthusiasm can also rub off on their host, and potentially give them the inside running on someone who would be a great hire. That said, an intern with a bad attitude can wreak havoc, so you don’t want to leave it until induction to make sure you’ve chosen well. With this in mind, here’s five questions to ask yourself when assessing candidates.

Have they already made a start in the field?

An internship should build on a desire to work in your industry. So it’s only fair to look and see how they’ve already started trying to get their foot in the door and show their passion and commitment. If they want to be a writer in the print or digital realm, look for a personal blog, freelance writing or works of fiction. If their focus is more on a charitable role, see what organisations they already volunteer with. If they’re keen on photography, search to see if they have an online showcase. Remember that at the end of the day, passion matters. And if they’re already taking baby steps in the field, you can feel confident they want the internship for all the right reasons.

Will they be enthusiastic?

There’s nothing worse than an intern who’s there simply because it’s a requirement of their course – or their parents suggested it. In fact, choosing this sort of candidate is a pretty surefire way to get lumbered with someone who only wants to do stuff that excites them or that they are familiar with. Instead, look for someone who will obviously be willing to dive into any task they’re given and stick their head around any corner to see what’s going on. Just one tip – don’t mistake a loud or gregarious personality for enthusiasm, as this could rule out wonderful interns who might be a little shy to start with and then blossom as they get to know people. One good idea is to ask the applicant if they have any questions for you. Hands down, if they have queries which show knowledge of both your company and industry, you’ve found someone who doesn’t just want to intern, but who wants to intern with you.

Can we genuinely teach them something?

The primary goal of an internship is to provide genuine insights into a chosen field or specialization. However, not all businesses within a field are alike, and recognizing this distinction is crucial. Take, for instance, an aspiring radio announcer who opts to intern with an audiobook producer, hoping to acquire relevant voice skills. While they may indeed learn valuable techniques, the breadth of skills and knowledge required for radio announcing is extensive, suggesting that an internship at a radio station might be more beneficial. A good rule of thumb is: if an intern cannot learn a substantial part of their intended role with you, it’s better to guide them elsewhere, even if the experience might seem enjoyable.

Will they walk away with something practical they can use to move forward?

There’s a very fine line to walk in allowing interns to undertake hands-on activities, as they shouldn’t be doing practical work for which an employee would otherwise be paid. But that doesn’t mean you can only allow them to watch over everyone’s shoulders. Instead, look to identify areas where you could help them to develop their real-world skills. For example, an intern with the graphic design department of a public relations agency could be allowed – along with the rest of the team – to come up with some clever ideas for marketing collateral to promote a festival. The idea isn’t that you’ll use their work – unless it’s so good it deserves payment – but that you assign someone to give good honest feedback to help shape their idea into the best form it can take. That way, if a potential employer or internship asks what they’ve done, they can say quite honestly that they contributed to a PR pitch that was critiqued by a real-life account manager.

Will they make coffee?

Finally, there’s the matter of the coffee run, which is quite significant as it ties back to enthusiasm. Real jobs aren’t always fun and exciting; they include mundane, tedious, and less enjoyable aspects. A proper internship will reflect this reality. You’re looking for someone who desires a true representation of your industry and will demonstrate gratitude for the opportunity by helping out as necessary. This doesn’t mean treating them like Andy from The Devil Wears Prada, but an occasional request for a coffee run is not unreasonable. Gauge their willingness to perform menial tasks early on, and if they seem averse, reconsider extending an internship offer.

Remember to always provide an orientation for interns. They may not require the comprehensive one-week induction or detailed briefings on the company’s products and strategies that a new employee would, but they still need to understand the company’s fundamentals, including an office tour and, importantly, any general safety procedures in the workplace, as well as specifics pertaining to their assigned tasks.

Do you have any questions or great tips to share?

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