How to avoid one-size-fits-all induction approach

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How to Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Induction program Approach

In induction program, as in learning, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach isn’t always the best way forward. Everyone learns differently. The learning needs of employees are very varied, just like the job roles they perform within an organisation. The best way to help staff be productive and efficient in their roles is to tailor the induction training modules for new staff to meet their specific needs. The good news is, there are easy and effective ways to tailor your induction training to meet the differing needs of your employees.

In order to motivate workers and encourage productivity, induction training should focus on the individual and what they need to know. A well-designed, individual-centric programme will capture employees’ attention and get them to truly learn. So, how do you customise induction training so that participants feel interested and comfortable learning? Here are a few tips.

While there are fundamental issues that should be covered when inducting a new employee, this doesn’t mean a standard ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach should be used. There should be different induction training modules for new staff depending on who is taking the induction and where. For instance, a recent graduate is likely to need a different induction to an experienced team member who is going on secondment to another department. Make sure your inductions focus on the team the employee will join and the role they will perform. Here are some examples of role-specific inductions:

-New full-time or part-time staff -Contractors -Employees on secondment or job swap to another department -Temporary staff -Holding positions

Adapting inductions for different types of employees will ensure you don’t overload new staff with the information they don’t need.

Waiting to start a new job can be an anxious experience. Providing pre-induction support can reduce anxiety and help employees feel encouraged and motivated. Once you know a new employee is joining, harness all that motivation and get them learning straightaway. This reduces the avalanche feeling once they’ve arrived and makes transition into the workplace smoother. Make sure your starter or welcome pack includes as much information about your organisation as possible, so that the new employee is already familiar with your culture, people, hours, dress codes, etc. when he or she arrives for their first day.

For an induction program to be effective, it needs to incorporate various learning styles. There are seven types of learners: visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary learners. Consequently, different techniques should be used to suit different types of learners. When creating your training programme, try to present information in an interactive and interesting manner. Include images, text, video, audio, and be sure to add tests and quizzes. Blending a variety of learning styles and using different techniques will help you cater to all types of learners.

If you already have an induction template for new staff, you will only need to adjust the content for different types of new employees. Just personalise the template with the employee’s name, start date and special requirements. It’s also a good idea to give your new employee some easy to achieve job objectives that tie in with the aspects he or she need to learn as part of their induction. This will help them to contribute quickly and develop their value to the organisation and the team they are a part of.

One of the best, most customisable and advanced ways to induct your employees is to induct online. There is a special kind of induction software that you can use to create your own inductions, tailored specifically for your staff. You can pick and choose from a base of online inductions, and combine them with your organisation’s procedures and policies. And since all inductions are web-based, they can be made available whenever and wherever it suits both your business and the inductees. This induction approach saves time and resources, reduces repetition and ensures your team members are inducted properly.

Just remember, when it comes to training for your staff, one size doesn’t fit all. Keep the above tips in mind when inducting new employees and your training is guaranteed to be productive and successful, every time.


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