How to make online inductions memorable and engaging

memorable and engaging online inductions

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Memorable Online Inductions

Online induction process is the first step in the right direction to achieving the optimal employee efficiency, productivity and satisfaction. Research shows that employees who are successfully introduced to the organisation, its mission, values, culture, safety procedures and acceptable working practices tend to be more productive and are likely to stay in their roles for a longer period. An effective and timely induction is the key element in creating a good image of a company in the eyes of a new employee. The intention of an employee to remain or quit their job also depends largely on how effective and impacting the induction process is.

Breaking the monotony of traditional induction training

As an employer, you invest time and money in training your staff. You can’t afford having new workers zoning out during long, dull, lacklustre induction training modules for new staff. A new starter is likely to be enthusiastic and eager to learn about his or her new job. This is your chance to meet their natural desire to get started with engaging, memorable, well-prepared induction training. By getting employees excited about learning, you will ensure they are actually listening and absorbing new material.

So, how can you make an induction programme informative and memorable enough to stick in employees’ minds and remind them that they are working for a great company? A good place to start is to move out of the confines of the traditional ways of inducting new staff. The most engaging inductions are the ones that think outside the box. Instead of using traditional, face-to-face training methods, you can utilise today’s technology to build interactive, mobile enabled, graphically rich online induction programmes. This is the best way to break up the monotony of traditional inductions and ensure your employees are engaged and truly learning throughout the entire induction course.

There are certain techniques that lend themselves particularly well to online induction training. Let’s look at some of the most popular techniques that can help you make your induction more engaging and compelling:

Using this technique, you can build an environment that fosters employee participation. The employees will be given an opportunity to learn and explore the components of your organisation such as culture, people, roles and responsibilities. For example, you can create a virtual campus of your organisation with different buildings representing different areas or topics. Inductees can take a tour around the campus, and, clicking on different buildings along the way, learn the essential things they need to know about the company.

Video content is the most popular and effective format for online training strategies. It is one of the best tools you can use for creating online induction courses. For example, you can incorporate a video of the CEO sharing the mission, vision and goals in your online induction course. This will make the employees feel welcomed and motivated. Likewise, letting your new workers see and hear from people already doing the same job will pave the way for a smooth, enjoyable and productive integration within the workplace.

When you induct online, it’s a good idea to incorporate real images or avatars within the induction course. Using real images will help get the learner completely involved with the training process and will also promote knowledge retention. For instance, using characters in various poses and expressions will help bring your training content to life and make it more engaging and memorable.

Including scenarios in online induction training modules for new staff can help introduce newcomers to the types of issues they will face in their job. By incorporating scenarios in your induction course you will offer employees the chance to practice problem solving in a safe environment and learn about the consequences of particular behaviours and actions.

Communication and interaction are the key elements that can enhance the quality of learning. Including inter-activities such as click on tabs, rollovers and drag and drops in your online induction course will prevent the inductees from getting bored and engage their active participation.

Including games in your online induction course will make it more interesting and engaging. Often, part of the induction training covers some basic health and safety information and this can work great as a game element. By gamifying your online induction training you will stimulate the employees’ minds and get them interested.

So, these are some of the most effective techniques you can use to break the monotony of the induction training. The structure of an induction course is very flexible, which is why using the online format to deliver training for new staff is hugely beneficial. By choosing to induct online, you get a chance to harness the technology to deliver informative, interactive and engaging induction programmes, which your employees will remember and, more importantly, will equip them to be productive and effective in their jobs.

Do you have any questions or great tips to share?
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