Partner up with Induct For Work

Affiliate Program

Today customers rely more than ever on the expertise of partners to deliver the most reliable, value-added solutions for their needs. Your customers would benefit by getting a discount and you get commissions. Its a win win for all.

How does it work?

The affiliate program handles the affiliate accounts by tracking which affiliates have referred visitors to the website, and rewards them with a specific commission based on what the referred visitor purchased.

Affiliates use the affiliate referral link/URL to promote current website or products. Specific affiliates are tracked because their IDs or usernames are appended to their URL, therefore the system can track which affiliate link brought a customer to our website. If the customer successfully completes a conversion (i.e. subscribes to a package), a referral will be generated and the affiliate will be awarded a commission.

Induct For Work offers up to 30% commission on referrals, which is one of the most generous affiliate programs around.
That could be anywhere between $50 to $1,800 + gst for every sale. Contact us for more details and to register for the program.


White labelling

Rebranding Induct For Work system to your own. It would allow your organisation to provide advanced solutions to your customers without investing heavily in software development.

If you would like to whitelabel Induct For Work  please give us a call on 1300 797 805